• Wednesday 25 May 2016

    ~~ Looping Satement are the  staements excute one or more statements excute one or more statement repeatedly several number of time … that mean cycle system.

                         WE USE LOOP IN C---
                                   ** For loop
                                    ** while loop
                                 ** Do while loop


    While loop:An while loop first cheak the condition if condition is true  then  goes to inside the loop body otherwiseh goes outsite of body.


    Do While Loop: It is similar to While loop, except that a do while loop is excute at leat one time.

    For Loop: When we need to excute a block of code several number of times , this time we use for loop.


    for(i=1;i<=100;i=i+1)  --- example.. prepared by... Md Mostafa kamal

    Post-by : Md:Mostafa Kamal                                              
                                                                                                                **  Computer programming LIVE**

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