• Tuesday 1 March 2016

    Header files contain definitions of functions and variables, which is imported or used into any C program by using the pre-processor #include statement. Header file have an extension ".h" which contains C function declaration and macro definition.

    Each header file contains information (or declarations) for a particular group of functions. Like stdio.h header file contains declarations of standard input and output functions available in C which is used for get the input and print the output. Similarly, the header file math.h contains declarations of mathematical functions available in C

    1stdio.hInput/Output Functions
    2conio.hconsole input/output
    3assert.hDiagnostics Functions
    4ctype.hCharacter Handling Functions
    5cocale.hLocalization Functions
    6math.hMathematics Functions
    7setjmp.hNonlocal Jump Functions
    8signal.hSignal Handling Functions
    9stdarg.hVariable Argument List Functions
    10stdlib.hGeneral Utility Functions
    11string.hString Functions
    12time.hDate and Time Functions

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